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MSD Prevention and Recognition of Occupational Diseases: What You Need to Know

At 360Skillvue, we're committed to helping companies prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) through remote ergonomic analysis. A question frequently asked by our customers is: "How does the implementation of preventive measures influence the recognition of MSD-related occupational illnesses?"

1. The Duty of Prevention: A Crucial Responsibility

As an employer, you have a legal obligation to guarantee the health and safety of your employees. This includes preventing occupational hazards such as MSDs. You must implement appropriate measures to protect your employees, such as :

  • Training and awareness-raising: Train your teams in ergonomic best practices.
  • Ergonomic layout: adapting workstations to minimize the risk of RSI.
  • Equipment and tools: Provide ergonomic equipment adapted to employees' needs.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Carry out regular assessments to adjust preventive measures in line with feedback and incidents.

2. Recognition of occupational illnesses: the role of preventive measures

Recognition of an occupational disease depends on a number of criteria, including the direct link between the work activity and the disease. If an employee develops an MSD, recognition of this disease as occupational is based on :

  • Proof of Occupational Risk: Working conditions must be identified as a risk factor for MSDs.
  • Effectiveness of preventive measures: If preventive measures have been put in place, the employer must prove that they were effective and appropriate.
  • If you have implemented adequate and effective preventive measures, you can contest an occupational disease recognition if the measures complied with legal obligations and were adapted to the risks identified. Proof of the implementation and effectiveness of these measures is crucial in defending your position...

3. Our Prevention Services: A Comprehensive Approach

At 360Skillvue, we offer remote ergonomic analysis to identify MSD risks and recommend appropriate solutions. Our services include:

  • Exploratory interview: Initial analysis to understand your company's specific needs.
  • Creation of customized modules: Development of questionnaires and video instructions for employees.
  • Analysis and recommendations: personalized corrections and recommendations in video format.
  • Prevention Action Plan: Advice on training, equipment and additional actions required.
  • We are committed to helping our customers implement effective prevention measures and ensure a safe working environment for all employees.


By implementing appropriate preventive measures, you not only improve the health and well-being of your employees, but also protect your company against the risks associated with the recognition of occupational illnesses.

To find out more about our services and how we can help you prevent MSDs in your business, contact us today.