Optimized management

digital remote assessment solution

Choose innovation for the health and safety of your employees.

validation tick

Your trusted partner for digital retraining and on-the-job monitoring.

By integrating our innovative solution, you provide your employees with a comprehensive tool, perfectly adapted to their specific clearance requirements, as well as to their sector of activity. Our experts will support you in integrating our solution, enhancing your range of quality solutions and boosting employee satisfaction.

Our solution

We know how complex authorization management can be. That's why we've designed 360SkillVue to be simple to use, while offering powerful functionality. Your employees will appreciate the simplicity of creating and managing their authorizations.

Remote assessment

Our solution makes it possible to assess operators remotely and provide them with personalized advice and corrections, thus reducing travel and the associated costs.

Proof & traceability

Our platform guarantees full traceability of workers' skills, making it easier to demonstrate their authorization in the event of an inspection.


360SkillVue can be adapted to a wide range of business sectors, providing an authorization management solution for mobile workers.


Our solution is designed to integrate seamlessly with our software partners' software suites, delivering a seamless end-user experience.

Data security

Our dedicated servers, located in France, guarantee data confidentiality, ensuring compliance with current regulations.

Ease of use

Our user-friendly interface makes empowering mobile workers as easy as possible, without requiring advanced technical skills.

Our vision

At 360SkillVue, we're dedicated to revolutionizing the way companies train and empower their teams. Our innovative platform offers a complete digital approach to training and certifying your people, whatever their specialty or industry.

Worker in safety gear using a chainsaw in the woods whose skills are documented by a colleague capturing images on smartphone via the 360SkillVue solution.
A qualified worker in safety gear carries out maintenance work on a relay antenna, while his movements are captured by a colleague using the 360SkillVue tablet solution.
A worker in a full safety suit carries out an inspection operation in an industrial complex, under the supervision of a colleague filming him using a tablet equipped with the 360SkillVue solution.
A worker in safety gear on a construction site handles equipment while a colleague views on a tablet the images captured with the 360SkillVue solution as part of the clearance process.
With our solution, you can say goodbye to outdated and time-consuming training processes. With 360SkillVue, you can easily train, evaluate and certify your teams, while ensuring regulatory compliance and the safety of your operations.
Whether you work in healthcare, industry, construction, energy or any other field requiring specific skills, we're here to help you digitalize your authorization processes.
Our intuitive, customizable platform adapts to your unique needs, enabling you to create effective training programs and track your employees' progress in real time.
Stop wasting time and energy on outdated methods! Go modern with 360SkillVue and make sure your employees have the skills they need to carry out their tasks safely and efficiently.
Contact us today and discover how 360SkillVue can transform the way you train and empower your teams!
Surgeon using the 360SkillVue tablet-based solution to assess the compliance of a colleague's practices during a procedure on a recumbent patient.
A skilled worker in safety gear carries out a control operation in an oil complex, while his progress is filmed by a colleague using the 360SkillVue tablet solution to track his skills.
cell phone with a pop-up on the left and right
cell phone with a pop-up on the left and right
Eliminating unnecessary travel is not only a way of saving time and increasing efficiency, it's also an ecological act. At 360SkillVue, we believe that the complete digitization of authorizations is the way to a future where skills management is respectful of the planet, without wasting resources or paper, thus contributing to a more sustainable world. What's more, this approach makes it easier to obtain and maintain your CSR label by reducing your environmental footprint while improving operational efficiency.
Portrait of Dr Laure Dellamonica, founder of 360SkillVue.
Dr Laure Dellamonica


Are you looking for an authorization management solution for your employees? 360SkillVue is the answer! Contact us today to find out more about our solution and how it can save your teams time.
Young, dark-haired, bespectacled salesman smiling with his cell phone in his right hand at half-height
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