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Grants for Ergonomic Risk Prevention

New Financial Aid from the French Health Insurance (Assurance Maladie) - Occupational Risks

Assurance Maladie - Risques Professionnels is offering new financial assistance to prevent ergonomic risks. These subsidies aim to reduce the risks associated with manual handling of loads, mechanical vibrations and awkward postures. Here are the main points to bear in mind:

For whom?

  • Companies: All companies covered by the general social security system, up to date with their social security contributions and with an occupational health and safety department.
  • Self-employed : Members of voluntary individual insurance against accidents and occupational diseases, with no employees at the date of application.

Types of aid available

  1. Ergonomic Diagnostics: Analysis of work situations to identify ergonomic risk factors and propose actions for improvement. These diagnoses must be carried out by competent personnel from referenced organizations.
  2. Training: Training to acquire the skills needed to lead and implement ergonomic risk prevention projects, provided by organizations accredited by INRS and the Assurance Maladie network.
  3. Equipment: Financing of transfer equipment, rolling equipment, height-adjustable work surfaces and other specific equipment.
  4. Awareness and communication initiatives: Creation of infographics, documentation, internal events to raise awareness of ergonomic risks.
  5. Workstation adjustments: Financing of individual measures to adapt or transform an employee's workstation, as part of the prevention of professional exclusion.
  6. Dedicated personnel costs: Contribution towards the personnel costs of a member of staff dedicated to the prevention of ergonomic risks.

Conditions and procedures

  • Applications must be made online via the AT/MP account on or by e-mail for self-employed workers.
  • Subsidies can cover up to 70% of the investment, with specific ceilings depending on the size of the company and the type of investment.
  • Grants are awarded according to available budgets, on a first-come, first-served basis.

For further details, please consult the documents available on the website.

Contact & Information

If you have any questions or would like to start your application, please contact your regional health insurance fund (Carsat, Cramif, CGSS) or visit the ameli website. 

Your commitment to preventing ergonomic risks is essential to creating a safer, healthier working environment. Take advantage of these aids to implement effective, sustainable solutions.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any assistance or to find out more about how 360SkillVue can help you benefit from these grants thanks to our expertise in early detection of MSDs.