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What are the best tools for preventing MSDs?

The Different Types of Equipment Used by Caregivers to Prevent MSDs

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) represent a major risk for caregivers, due to the physical nature of their work. To prevent these risks, a variety of ergonomic equipment and materials are used. Here's an overview of the main devices used in care facilities to reduce RSI.

1. Patient lifts and medical beds

  • Patient lifts: These devices facilitate patient transfer while reducing the physical effort required of caregivers. They are particularly useful for lifting and moving patients without putting excessive strain on the back and upper limbs.
  • Healthcare beds: Adjustable beds allow patients to be positioned at different heights and inclinations, helping to minimize forced movements and uncomfortable postures.

2. Ergonomic carts and tables

  • Care carts: Designed to be height-adjustable, these carts enable caregivers to easily access medical supplies without bending or twisting, thus reducing the risk of RSI.
  • Care tables: Height- and tilt-adjustable tables help to position patients optimally for care, enabling caregivers to work in more comfortable postures.

3. Mobilization and rehabilitation equipment

  • Transfer belts: Used to help stabilize and move patients, these belts reduce the force required to support patients and prevent sudden movements that can cause injury.
  • Rehabilitation devices: Including equipment such as exercise bikes and adapted weight machines, they help patients regain their mobility and reduce the need for intensive physical manipulation by caregivers.

4. Technical Aids and Ergonomic Accessories

  • Ergonomic cushions and supports: Used to keep patients in comfortable, stable positions, these accessories prevent muscle and joint pain for both patients and caregivers.
  • Handling gloves and anti-vibration equipment: These tools reduce the impact of repetitive movements and vibrations on caregivers' hands and arms.

5. Management software and planning tools

  • Care management software: These digital tools can be used to plan tasks and manage schedules to avoid overwork and excessive repetition of movements.
  • Ergonomic monitoring applications: Software such as 360skillvue helps to monitor and analyze caregivers' postures and movements, providing recommendations for improving practices and preventing RSI.


The use of ergonomic equipment is essential to prevent MSDs among caregivers. By combining the right equipment with digital monitoring and management tools, healthcare facilities can significantly reduce the risk of MSDs and improve caregivers' well-being. Thanks to solutions like 360skillvue, risks can be detected early and effective prevention strategies implemented, ensuring safer, healthier working conditions for all.