Grant Prevention of ergonomic risks: awareness campaigns

At 360 Skillvue, we're committed to improving working conditions and preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in your company. Thanks to a subsidy from the French Assurance Maladie, you can benefit from partial coverage of our services, which considerably reduces the cost to your company.

Apply for your
grant and save up to 70% on costs

We're here to support you every step of the way, from implementing ergonomic recommendations to obtaining subsidies for your prevention initiatives.

Reduced out-of-pocket expenses

The French Assurance Maladie covers 70% of the costs, which means that your company's out-of-pocket expenses are only 30%. This makes our ergonomic analysis and MSD prevention services even more accessible.

Support for your requests

We undertake to provide you with all the documents you need for your grant application. This includes receipted invoices, certificates of completion, detailed presentations of what has been implemented...

Awareness-raising workshops

Our preventive actions take the form of ergonomic risk awareness workshops. These workshops are designed to inform and train your employees in ergonomic best practices to reduce the risk of MSDs.

Take action!

Contact us for more information on our services and to find out how we can help you improve health and safety at work.